On-Demand Education Library

ISMP's on-demand educational programs are a convenient way for healthcare professionals like you to stay ahead of new trends in medication safety. This is a perfect solution when you want to stay informed but may not have the resources or time to attend a live program. Now you can access ISMP’s leading programs at your own convenience. All of ISMP’s educational programs and events provide independent and unbiased information. Most programs provide required medication/patient safety continuing education credits for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and nurses. 

On-Demand Library

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Learn about human factors and the role it plays in medication safety, along with strategies to improve patient safety.
Opioid-related overdoses and deaths are steadily rising. To combat this epidemic, health care professionals must do all that they can to stop the diversion of opioids and other controlled substances. Drug diversion impacts patient and staff safety, increases hospital costs, has the potential to