DOs and DON'Ts for Submitting an ISMP Cheers Award Nomination

Do you know an individual or an organization/group collaborative that you want to nominate for an ISMP Cheers Award? Here are some helpful tips to make sure your nomination meets the criteria. Nominations that are incomplete or do not meet the criteria outlined below will not be considered. 


  • Nominate an Individual or Organization/Group Collaborative that:

    • Focuses on one (1) key medication safety initiative 

    • Provides measurable outcomes, if applicable 

    • Utilizes innovative, proactive medication error-reduction strategies based on ISMP's philosophy and recommendations in ISMP newsletters, ISMP Action Agendas, ISMP guidelines, or other ISMP resources

    • Participates in medication safety committees, teams, and/or does advocacy work

    • Will share the initiative with others (at no cost)

    • Exemplifies a commitment to the promotion of medication safety

  • Complete the nomination form:

    • Ensure all fields are filled in accurately and completely. 

    • Provide your information as the submitter.

    • Provide information about the nominee (self nominations are accepted).

    • Provide a paragraph summarizing why you believe this nominee should receive an award.

      • In your own words, please highlight the project/nominee description, the impact of the initiative, and/or the nominee's commitment to medication safety (1,500 character limit). 

    • After submitting the nomination, respond to the confirmation email to provide supporting documentation for the nomination

      • Project write-up in a word document format (2,000 words maximum)

      • Supplemental information including graphs and images in a word document format (3 pages maximum)

  • Submit your nomination along with supporting documents by the deadline.


  • Don't submit a nomination that does not clearly identify a high-risk, error-prone medication safety initiative.

  • Don't submit a nomination that includes multiple initiatives - focus on one initiative.

  • Don't submit only one or two sentences about the nominee without supporting documentation. 

  • Don't forget to complete all the information on the nomination form before submitting.

  • Don't forget to respond to the confirmation email to attach supporting documentation (i.e., a word document describing the nomination and any images or graphs in a word document to support your nomination).

  • Don't forget to submit all of your information by the deadline.